Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Wait and the Weight
This wait is adding weight to me. Why can't I be one of those who just can't seem to eat when I am stressed? I am definitely a stress eater and I'm not talking carrot sticks here! I get lost in thought about what I can do to speed things along with that final document and the next thing I know that full sleeve of Chips Ahoy cookies is gone and I don't even remember eating it. My Blaine is so sweet - If he minded that his Mama ate more than half the candy out of his Easter basket, he never even mentioned it!
I made the comment a while back that it will be a miracle for us to complete this adoption. The more I think about it, the more I know it's true. Every child is a miracle, a blessing from God, whether they arrive in your family through the miracle of birth or the miracle of adoption. Please pray that our miracle child will be with us soon! As our blog title says, we are still hoping and believing!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday with an early morning rain, great worship at church, a fantastic lunch at our house with family and friends, and a very relaxing evening at home. We couldn't have asked for a better day (unless Valerie was here with us).
In adoption news, our court dossier was sent to Khabarovsk on Friday! The wild journey around the BIG state of Texas picking up documents and getting them apostilled paid off. We are still missing 2 supporting documents from our homestudy agency that will need to be acquired quickly and sent along as well. But we are thrilled that our paperwork is on its way and we will be filing with the court soon. We were told there would be at least 90 days between trips so we are praying for a court date in early June.
I had all our pictures (tons of pictures!) of Valerie printed at Sam's on Friday and put them in an album. Looking at them all made me relive that wonderful week we spent with her. She is so precious. I'm missing my girl!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
One Long Trip!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Another Cute Picture!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
We're Home!

Here's a picture of Valerie and Todd sharing some Gerber banana puffs! Isn't she adorable!? We aren't allowed to post pictures of her until after we get home from our court trip but I figured I could get away with this.
We were on the flight from Seoul to LA with The Backstreet Boys who I am totally unfamiliar with but Kathy knew them because she has teenagers. They apparently caused quite a stir. It took a while to get through customs at LA and then back through security in the domestic terminal and we were literally running to our gate to catch our flight to DFW. We finally got home after 10:00 on Sunday night. There were storms around Dallas and our flight was delayed. I was about to burst I was so ready to see Blaine. I could see him from upstairs at the airport and when he spotted us he was jumping up and down excited. I was thrilled to finally get that hug and I just teared up all over again! We were gone 11 days and I swear he grew while we were gone. He also has a very loose tooth that he is quite proud of. I am so proud of him for how well he did while we were away. He's a big boy!
It feels wonderful to be home and be in our own bed and familiar surroundings. However, jet lag is rough! I am exhausted but have woken up about 3:00 am for the last two nights and can't go back to sleep. I have never traveled halfway around the world before. I've always heard about jet lag but just really didn't understand how bad it messes up your internal clock.
Thank you to everyone who took care of things while we were gone from covering our responsibilities at church, to getting our mail, feeding the cats, watering the yard, and taking care of and loving on Blaine. Everything seemed to run so smooth as we knew it would because we have so many great people in our lives taking care of us! At one point during the trip Todd commented that everything was really going our way and I said, "Well, look how many people are praying for us!" Thank you most of all for your prayers. We have a good God!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Greetings from Seoul!
We flew right over the orphanage today as we left Khabarovsk. I wish so badly that we could have taken Valerie with us. I am missing that little sweetie! Todd reminded me that we have a lot to do over the next few months to get ready for her. Priority #1 will be turning our guest/scrapbooking/junk room into a little girly-girl's room. That will be fun though!
Donna, I guess it's too late now to ask you to set me up at the chiropractor on Monday. I'll just call first thing. Go ahead and tell Billy that Todd will need all of those classes on little girls - He doesn't know what he's getting into, does he? He's already a great Daddy so I'm sure he'll get it all down even if he doesn't master the ponytail!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Friday - Visit #5 at the Orphanage
After we left the orphanage we had an appointment with a social worker who asked us some questions about our family and our plans for including Valerie. Lunch today was a hotdog from a vendor on the street. Not quite the same as an American hot dog. Tonight we are going to dinner at Scalini's to celebrate with Catherine and Kathy. Catherine met 2 beautiful children this week as well. Kathy adopted from Khabarovsk in 2006 and just came along for the ride on this trip with Catherine. These 2 have become special friends over the course of this week. Having been here before, they have been awesome tour guides! They have shown us so much and made our trip really fun. Tonight we will pack up. Nicolai, our driver will pick us up to go to the airport tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 and our flight back to Seoul leaves at 5:00 pm. We'll post again from there.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Thursday - Visit #4 at the Orphanage
I guess we've brought a little west TX weather to Russia. Irina told us that today was the warmest March 6 ever recorded in Khabarovsk. The high was about 37 degrees. Almost all the snow around town has melted. We had another nice afternoon today. We went to a 5 story shopping mall with a big grocery store inside. We had ice cream at a Baskin Robbins. The sign was in Russian but had the 31 on it! We bought a few snacks for our room. We walked through a neat park that had trees carved into all kinds of animals and people. Kinda like the bears in Ruidoso but more detail. Now we're in the room relaxing. I'm going to the chiropractor when I get home!!
Cultural Experiences
We have visited several shops and have purchased souvenirs such as a music box, some matroyshkas, children's books, Christmas ornaments. My favorite thing was a traditional Russian dress for Valerie. It is blue and will be beautiful with her big blue eyes! We walked through Lenin Square and saw the huge courthouse where we will go to court to complete the adoption. We visited the Blue Church with beautiful blue and gold domes. The inside was so golden and ornate with high ceilings painted blue with silver stars. Lots of beautiful murals were painted on the walls and many people came in and lit candles while we were there. The Blue Church is a Russian Orthodox church. The visitors cross themselves opposite of the Catholic church. We flew over the Gold Church on the way in and have seen it from afar but haven't visited it yet. It's so pretty.
Jeremy, no we have heard about the squatty potties (holes in the ground) but we try to just go at the hotel and the orphanage and they are similar to ours except for you pull a knob on top to flush them! Donna, I have yet to see a Sonic! However I just walk a few blocks to the market and can get a Coke Light out of the cooler there. We haven't been gone that long and have really eaten some pretty good food but a burger or a burrito is starting to sound pretty good. We have eaten in our hotel restaurant, twice at a really good pizza place, a fancy meal at The Rooski, and also at the Intourist Hotel. They brought us shots of Vodka before our meal at the Rooski with a toothpick with a slice of pickle, a pepper, a little chunk of bread and a little chunk of lard! Each thing is supposed to represent something but I can't remember exactly what. I could handle it all except the lard, which went from my mouth discreetly into my napkin! Eeeww!
Khabarovsk is a huge city of 700,000 with busy streets and lots of people walking. We walk almost everywhere but did take a cab once after dark. The women are very stylish and almost every one of them has at least 3 inch heels on their boots even in the ice and snow. I have to say I feel a bit frumpy around all of them! Khabarovsk is quite an interesting mix of modern and old, rich and poor. It is all very different from anything we've experienced before and we've really enjoyed it!
Wednesday - Visit #3 at the Orphanage
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Tuesday - Visit #2 at the Orphanage
Monday, March 3, 2008
We met our little girl!
Blaine, I miss you like crazy. You are the best son ever and are going to be the best big brother in the world!! You're gonna love Valerie!
Thank you all so much for your prayers. This has been quite a process but today we definitely feel it is all worthwhile. God has truly blessed us in so many ways! We can't complete her adoption for several more months so please continue praying. We love you all!
Kelli, I haven't even been paying attention to the post times! I'm borrowing Catherine's computer and it's on Pacific Time! They just got WiFi here and I'm sick that I didn't bring my own computer as I thought I wouldn't be able to get internet. Anyway, it's `3:59 pm here on Monday, March 3. We went to 2 doctors today for the medicals for Todd and I after our visit with Valerie.