Wednesday, March 12, 2008


There are extreme amounts of paperwork in the international adoption process. We've had a few new documents to sign since we got home saying we were aware of Valerie's medical conditions, power of attorney for the coordinator in Russia, and an application to the court. Then we had to update other paperwork because it is getting close to expiring. It tickles me that they want another marriage certificate and new copies of our passports. These documents don't change! They just want the apostilles from Austin that we must get attached to them to not be more than a year old. I got a little stressed last time I sent things to Austin because I didn't get them back when I expected them. This time I included a picture of Valerie and a very sweet note saying we had met this beautiful little girl and as soon as we get all our paperwork turned in we can receive a courtdate so if at all possible could they please expedite the documents. We'll see if that makes a difference! We are also waiting on our homestudy update that Olga, our agency director, just found out needs to be in a different format. Now the judge seems to be wanting a fully updated document not just an update added to the end of the old homestudy which is what they wanted before. We've killed more than a few trees in this process! We don't really understand all the reasons for everything required but we'll do whatever they want. It will all be so worth it when we get that sweet baby home!!!

1 comment:

Christi said...

I'm with you sister! The paperwork is frustrating and in my opinion, quite ridiculous. I have found it helpful to keep a pic of my little ones close by so that I can remember why I am doing all of this, and perhaps to remind me not to say an ugly word or two or ten about it. It will be worth it in the end. Oh, how I am ready to see the END!!!