Look at this tiny cute foot! What size do you think it is? We tried clothes on Valerie while we were on trip 1 so we would have a good idea what size to bring for her on trip 2. All the clothes she wore when we were there had Russian tags so we couldn't read the sizes. The 12 month clothes we brought were a little small, the 18 months were a little big so we thought 18 months would probably work for this summer. We had intentions of tracing her foot but we had this bright idea. We're smart like that. We held her cute little tootsie up to a book we brought and it came right up to the last row of writing on the back cover. This would have been a good judge of length if only we hadn't left the book with her because she liked it so much! Aren't we brilliant!? I'm thinking we'll probably take size 4 and 5 and hope one of those fits. If not, we can donate those to the orphanage and buy her some there. Could her feet be as small as a size 3? Hmmmm.....What do you think?
Hey Cindy. I bet a size 4 would be perfect. That would be my guess. Ya never know though! Cute little footsie! How much did she weigh then? Kelcie is just now starting to outgrow a 6 and she just turned 2. (2t and 3t clothes) I think I remember when she was wearing 18 month clothes I think she wore a 4.
If she is kinda little you might need a 3. Who knows? LOL : ) How are things coming with the house? Please let us know if we can do something. I did not realize until tonight that there was so much damage. Hugs hugs! ~ Melea
I am all ready to break out the paint brushes, butterflies and flowers! Bring on the purple! She is going to love her new room! (She will love Bubba's even more you know!)I would bet a size 4 shoe would work okay-just take socks and tights for adjustments.
Hey Cindy,
Vaaries tiny cubber looks so much like Grace's did. We traced Grace's little foot and she was a 4, but when we picked her up she was a 4.5. I'd go up a little from what you think. They really want them in shoes to leave the baby home, so maybe a five and if it's too big she can wear it a little later. Grace had fat baby feet, despite he 12 month size body, so maybe a wide just in case? We were cramming her feet into her shoes, but the caretakers were giving us the stink eye when we said maybe we should go shoeless, lol. Good luck hope you have news soon.
Ok, so I think you should take shoes of every size, wide and narrow. Sounds like the caretakers really want them in shoes. No probably a 4-5 looks good, it's kinda hard to tell. Hope you hear a date soon!
Cindy ~ her foot looks alot like Nadya's meaning the bridge part is high. All the shoes I brought with us on Trip 2 did not fit except for a pair of sneakers. What did fit and what she wore when we left the orphanage were Robeez (www.robeez.com). She loved them, they stayed on nicely and kept her toes warm. Kathleen
Cindy, I have enjoyed reading your news (good/bad). I sit here tonight rocking Kylie while I read and my heart and body aches for you to feel what I am feeling right now. I am so happy that your dream is coming true. It is so wonderful that you get to experience such love (children) a second time. It makes me look forward to our #2. You guys are always in my prayers.
Love Meredith and Kylie
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