This boy loves his baths! He can stay in until the water is cold and his fingers look like prunes. Mamaw gave him a snorkel and goggles and he has a ball "diving" for toys in the tub. He has a purple octopus that often attacks things which he has to dive under and rescue!
I am going to miss Blaine terribly while we're in Russia. It's a funny feeling not being able to wait to meet one child and dreading leaving the other one. 11 days is a very long time. I have bought 11 little gifts like books, candy, floam, computer games, etc. He can open one each day we are gone. He will be able to count the gifts that are remaining and know how many more days until we are home. I hope this will be fun for him and remind him how much we love him. I hope this trip won't be too hard on him. It's sure going to be hard on me! Of course, knowing the two sets of grandparents he'll be staying with, he may not be in any hurry for us to come home. Mamaw & Papa and Grama & Pa, don't make him too rotten! Seriously, I can't tell you how thankful we are for each of you. We are truly blessed with our family.
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That snorkeling looks like fun Blaine Hunt!! Hi Cindy, Todd & Blaine. We are thinking of each one of you and little Valarie and pray for things to go smoothly. We will see you on Sunday.
Love Ruthie
What a great idea to have a gift a day for him to help him count down the days until you return. Congrats on your upcoming trip!
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