Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This is beginning to get real!

We heard yesterday that our tentative travel date is Feb. 23. That is 17 days from now! I can't believe it. Things have moved so slowly over the past year and now they seem to be flying. I ordered warm coats for Todd and I because I didn't think the jackets we wear around here would cut it in Russia. As I'm writing this, the nifty little weather girl over to the left says it is
-8 degrees in Khabarovsk. Brrr!! We've never seen that kind of cold before! By the way, thanks Elle for the cool site design - I love it! Also notice the clock. That's what time it is where our baby girl is right now! It's already tomorrow in Khab. I pray during the day here that she is having a good night's sleep and I pray at night that she's having a great day and that someone is loving on her until we get there.

Yesterday we filled out applications for our Russian visas and overnighted them to our travel agent. It made me a little nervous to send off our passports. Then we spent all afternoon in the doctor's office waiting to have our bloodwork and TB tests done. I think half of Monahans was in there sick. Hopefully we didn't pick up anything.

I was thrilled to hear that we will probably get to travel with another lady who is also with AIA. She has adopted from Khabarovsk before and is going back for #2. How awesome to go with someone who has been there, done that. We need all the help we can get. Those of you who know us well are probably getting a big kick out of imagining us in an airport in a foreign country. Quit laughing!! Keep praying!!


Christi said...

I just can't wait until you get there and they see you speak english. They will have to ask what language it is that Todd speaks! Doing the happy dance for you right now!

Elle said...

Congrats on the travel date. I'll get those photos sent to you sometime tomorrow.