I have some cute pictures of Valerie too, wish I could share them. Just like in America, these places are pretty expensive. We quickly realized that Valerie was just happy to sit on all the little rides. It didn't matter whether we put in a token or not! We ate lunch there then played a little longer. We kept her out way past her naptime and she was a little trooper. There is a whole outdoor part that we walked through today but didn't play anything. It was getting so hot and we needed to head back to the apartments. We may try to go back one day this week earlier in the morning and check out some of that stuff.
Tomorrow Todd and I will go to the Vital Statistics office and do some paperwork to get Valerie's birth certificate reissued listing us as her parents! We are so proud of this little girl and are getting to know each other a little better everyday. She is already doing a lot less rocking at night which to me is a great sign! She is also beginning to give me big hugs, whereas she used to just stand there stiffly when I hugged her. I wish I could get inside her little head and know what she's thinking. Is she missing the orphanage? I know she's enjoying us but that is the only home she's ever known. Does she have any idea that we are her forever family? Does she wonder why we talk so funny? One thing's for sure, in the last couple of weeks we have turned her little world upside down and I know it can't have been easy for her but she has seemed to adjust very well so far considering all the changes she's been through.
As we were getting ready to leave the other day, Blaine looked at Valerie and said, "Come on, ya little runt." I guess they're truly brother and sister now!
5 more days in Khab, 10 more days and we're home!
I just want you guys to know that I am thinking of you all everyday. I love reading all the blogs and just imagine how great all the experiences are for your family. You have given me more than you will ever know by exposing me to your story. There is always a way. We love you guys and can't wait to meet sweet little Valerie!
It sounds like everyone had a fun day. You are right, you have turned Valerie's world upside down but it is for the better....think how wonderful her life is going to be and how blessed you all are to have her. God prepares all of us for his plan...I believe he even prepares the little children in one way or another. I am so happy for all four of you!! Thanks for sharing your story with all of us, I know how touching it has been for me to get to read the blogs....it has been the highlight of my day sometimes. Love you all!! See you soon!!
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