Then it was Catherine's turn for court and we were asked by the judge to leave the courthouse, not the court room but the entire building. We thought that was very strange. Unfortunately, Catherine's court didn't go as smoothly as ours did. There was some problem with a date on one of the documents prepared by the state representative so the judge wouldn't make a decision today. Her court is rescheduled for Wednesday. I really feel for her but she has a great attitude. This is her second adoption and I guess by now she has become accustomed to all the many bumps in the road that are part of this process. We can't wait to celebrate with her on Wednesday! We will probably not be able to get Valerie until Wednesday because everyone will be busy getting Catherine's problem resolved, which of course is the most important thing right now. We just can't wait to get Valerie here with us and begin bonding as a family.
More good news! I have been calling Delta every few hours and until tonight they still did not know where our bags were. They were finally found in Atlanta, are scheduled to go out on a flight to Moscow, then on Siberia Air on to Khabarovsk, where we should be able to get them on June 4! Hallelujah! It will feel so good to put on clean socks again! I've also been very worried about bringing a baby out of the orphanage without any supplies or clothes for her. This is definitely an answered prayer!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so happy for you! You have a daughter. Things will never be the same. Clint says that Barbie isn't all bad and that tea parties are okay when Dr Pepper is involved. We are proud for you and thankful that the hard part is over. Now go take a nap and we'll see you when you get back.
Congratulations! My thoughts are with Catherine too. Tell her I'll be thinking of her.
Wonderful news and congratulations! We are so happy for you guys! Kathleen
I am SOOOO happy for you both (and Blaine, too!). Glad that court went smoothly and that you are officially Valerie's parents. I can't think of a finer set of people to love and cherish her!! I will pray for your luggage to arrive as promised so you will have Valerie's things ready for her at the apartment (and some clean clothes for you). Please give Catherine our love and let her know we are praying for her and the kids.
Cathy and Nick
Congrats! I know you must be happy to have court over with and hopefully get some good rest before you pick her up.
How thrilled Papa and I are to have a little grandaughter to love and cherish!!! Our thoughts and prayers were focused on you two last night from 10:00-11:00pm-- then we begin to anticipate your call verifying that Valerie was officially a Hunt. What JOY and HAPPINESS filled our hearts when we got the call from Todd at 2:00 am this morning telling us everything went well and Valerie Diane Hunt was offically a member of our family at long last. We Praise the Lord for answered prayers and for blessing our family in such a mighty way! We are praying for Catherine that things will go well for her tomorrow. I'm sue that had to be a hard blow for her. It sounds like Blaine and Valerie have already bonded. He is going to be such a wonderful big brother and I know you all can hardly wait to have her with you. The other part to that is we can hardly wait to have you all back home again. We Love You All So Much!!!
Mamaw & Papa
So many tears of joy!! Congratulations to the "Hunt Family of 4". Just sounds perfect, huh. We praise God for the good news. Enjoy your visit now and know so many of us are anxiously awaiting to meet Valerie Hunt. Love you guys. Windell and Becky
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