My sweet little boy turned 6 today! We had a nice party complete with cake and candles. Catherine's sister, Gene, made us some awesome pizza which we all thoroughly enjoyed. He had a couple of presents and had a great time! 6 years ago God answered our earnest prayers for a child when he gave us our precious son. How neat to celebrate that while in Russia when God has again answered our prayers for another child! We are so very very blessed!

We found a new little playground today and Blaine really enjoyed monkeying around on the bars.

Another novel thing about this playground was the pig's jaw laying in the middle of it. Interesting.
Valerie's new word today is num-num which means yum-yum. She uses it when she wants another bite of something! She is so funny and cute. I just can't wait until I can post some pictures of her and especially to get home and show her off in person!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAINE!!!!!! We miss you and can't wait to see you.
When is Valerie's b-day?
We are so happy for all of you, hope you continue to have a fun time there!
It's really your birthday here today--Friday the 13th and we are celebrating by thinking about you and remembering what an exciting day this was for us 6 years ago. Papa and I will never forget holding you in our arms for the first time and feeling the love that can't be described in words. We have laughed remembering the surprise sprinkling you gave Dr. Libson right after your birth. We are so blessed to have had you near by all of these six years to watch you grow and to get to do so many things with you. We love you so much and are so proud of you! We're so glad that you got to have another birthday party in Russia. Looks like you had a pretty birthday cake. Did Valerie like the cake with the candles? Thanks for calling us last night--that was a special treat to get to hear your sweet voice.
We love you and send hugs and kisses!!!
Mamaw & Papa
Dear Blaine, You look like a very happy boy in your six year old birthday pictures! What a nice party you had with homemade pizza, a beautiful cake, presents, and people who love you so much! Did Valerie sing "Happy Birthday" with everyone? We hear you have made some new friends with the other families who are adopting. We are so happy that you, Mama, Daddy and Valerie are having a wonderful time together in Russia, but we will sure be glad when you get home so we can hug you tight and hear all about your trip. You are such a fine boy and we are so proud of all the things you have learned to do, and that you love us. God is so good to give us a sweet family with two special grandchildren, Blaine and Valerie! All our love, Grama and Pa
HI Blaine! Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Hope you had fun celebrating there, but we can't wait for you to get home so we can tell you Happy Birthday in person! Miss you all. Love, Becky and Windell
Happy Belated Birthday! This one will be one you will always remember.
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