It was so hard to leave her there today now that she's really ours. We don't get to visit her or get her tomorrow because our coordinator will be busy with Catherine completing her case. She got good news regarding a document that needed correcting today! We should all be getting to take our kids with us on Thursday!! We wish we could have Valerie tomorrow but have a special day of sightseeing planned with Blaine and are looking forward to that.
I was so excited yesterday when I talked to Delta about our baggage. I called today for an update to be sure they had made it to Moscow. One bag was on its way to Moscow, the other 2 were in Indianapolis. I cannot imagine why. They were then to go to JFK, then Moscow, then on to Khabarovsk but noone had any idea when that might happen. UGH!!! They were all to come directly to Moscow from Atlanta. That route makes absolutely no sense and why did 1 bag come and the others not? We've been discussing what's in each bag and which one we hope will arrive first. My clothes and Valerie's are packed together. Todd's bag has his clothes, most of our toiletries, and the gifts we bought for the caregivers, coordinator, translator, driver, etc. Blaine's bag has his clothes and lots of food and other things to make us more comfortable while we're here. Right now we're not too comfortable. Come on Delta, get your act together!
Hi Cindy!! It's April Horton. I work with Dede at Medical Center. When she was talking about you guys today, I was like "I know them!" It's so exciting that you guys are adopting from Russia! We were all so engrossed in Rob and Dede's journey, it's exciting to hear of someone else so wonderful sharing the experience. I just wanted to say congratulations! It couldn't be happening to any nicer people. Best of Luck
Todd and Cindy,
Just wanted to say congradulations!! I pray for you everyday that you would have good days and come home safely. I cannot wait until we all get to see a precious gift from God that he has blessed you guys with. Congradulations. IN CHRIST LOVE Debbie Chaney
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