Valerie is "talking" so much. We can't understand most of it but she just babbles and nods her head and really tells us all about something. She actually calls us Mama, Dada, and Bubba now instead of just repeating the words when we say them. She does this especially when she wants something. Today on the way home from the grocery store Blaine was eating an ice cream cone and would occasionally give his sister a bite. When she was ready for another, she'd scream Bu-bu, Bu-bu! It was pretty cute.
Remember how I said that if Valerie was doing something or touching something that she shouldn't be all we had to do was say nyet in a stern voice and she would immediately stop? Well, today she was reaching for an electrical outlet and I yelled, "Nyet!". She looked at me, laughed, yelled "Nyet!" right back at me, and reached for it again. She's beginning to test her boundaries. I guess that means she is feeling more comfortable with us. We are loving every day with her though and can't wait to get her home and watch her as she learns and grows!
It's great how much you are bonding as a family, and even though Valerie is now testing some boundaries, that is so good to see! I read your posts everyday, and I can't wait until it's my turn. Right now I'm just living vicariously through you. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
Dear Blaine, That looks like a healthy tooth in your hand! It must be worth $1 or a few rubles! You were brave to wrap the thread around it and pull hard. Now that other healthy tooth will have room to grow. You are growing up to be a fine boy and we love you and miss you. Grama and Pa
Hey Guys,
So glad yall are still doing good...wow yall have been over there for a long time, I know you'll be glad to get home. However Blaine is having an exciting trip, birthday, losing teeth....all sorts of things. Look forward to more news as yall get home...you know we kinda miss some of you Monahans folks......Hannah keeps asking about different people. She is adjusting well though.
I am so excited for ya'll. I am reading this blog on Charissa's computer in Edna. Shelbee and I are visiting after our vaction. We left Clint at home. Can't wait to help spoil Valerie.
Take care!!Love, Karla
I can't wait for you guys to get home! That's only about 8 more days (til you fly into DFW at least!) I'm so excited about meeting Valerie! Be sure to let us know how much Blaine gets for his tooth. We are still planning on being in Monahans to celebrate the 4th.
I love you and miss you!
I love reading your blog!! I missed a week while I was at camp and couldn't wait to get back and read all that was going on with you guys! We are so excited for you guys to get home! It sounds like Valerie is doing so great! She is one blessed little girl to have you guys as her family and I know you are so blessed to have her also! Love and Prayers! Jill
I miss you so much! I hope you come back soon! Even though your birthday was a couple days ago, Happy Birthay! Your new sister Valerie looks so cute!!
Love, Elizabeth
I can't wait to find out how the tooth fairy pays out. Hmm, will it be dollars or rubles??? I'm gonna go with rubles!
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