We will be picked up at 9:00 in the morning to go to the airport and our flight leaves at 12:55. We land in Atlanta at 4:30 and leave there for Dallas at 7:05. We land at DFW at 8:21 which will seem like 4:21 am to us since our bodies will still be on Moscow time. That is one long day! We'll spend the night with Ginger and Mike and fly home the next morning at 9:25. We are so close to being home! I dread the travel but can't wait to be home. Well, it's time to pack up the laptop! We'll update later on how things are going with our new family at home.
Just remember!!!!
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever Amen! Eph. 20-21. God speed and you are in our prayers, Roy and Dee Ann
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us. So neat, you have gone through so much to complete your family...I'm glad we could be in on the journey of it all. Hear from you soon, in the USA!
It has been an amazing journey reading your blog and watching how GOD has been with you and your family through this time in your life! What an incredible miracle! May GOD bless each of you!
Wow, I am so excited for ya'll. Isn't God so wonderful!!Can't wait to see all 4 of ya'll again. Be safe and we see you at church on Sunday, hopefully.
Have a safe trip!
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