This is what we did several times today. The weather was cool and it was a beautiful day other than being pretty windy. Valerie is learning new things everyday. She will let me feed her now but if she has the spoon she still eats at lightning speed. She loves her bath now and even pours a cup of water over her own head and giggles. I hug her baby doll, rock it in my arms, and say, "Love the baby." Then she gets the baby, rocks it and says Ooooooh. Too cute! Todd loves to take her for walks and she is getting more confident and sure of herself everyday. She has explored every drawer and cabinet in our apartment and we have lots of things up on high shelves. Blaine and Valerie wrestle and play. He hides under a cabinet and bursts out and growls and she screams and giggles and runs away. If she gets into something, we say "Nyet!" and she gets a guilty look and stops whatever she's doing immediately. I wonder how long that will last! We are having a ball!
She is definitely still on the orphanage schedule:
Wake up at 7:00
Breakfast at 8:00
Snack at 10:00
Lunch at 12:00
Nap after Lunch until 3:00
Supper at 6:00
Bedtime at 8:00
We are sticking right to this for now and she seems to like it.
We hope VBS will go great at home this week. Thresa, Blaine says to share your dollars with Buddy this time! You are so sweet to him! Thank you to everyone for your sweet comments and news from home. It always makes our day!
Hey Sis! Glad all you guys are vertical, those stomach bugs are no fun. I had a little touch of something the other day, but I probably shouldn't have eaten 14 deviled eggs...OUCH! Yeah, I know...I know. Next time I'm faced with that I'll just say "NYET"! Ha Ha!! I'm glad y'all are having fun, take lots of pics! I love you and miss you all. -Bryan
Hello to you all! So glad everyday is a new day and all is going well. Sounds like Blaine is going to be the best big brother a sister could have. So happy for him that he can play games and enjoy just being a little child.
Valerie looks so precious in her pink. Have a wonderful day!
IN CHRIST LOVE Debbie Chaney
Hello to everyone! We're so glad that you are feeling better. We are loving the pictures and reading the blog each day. It's like a good book that you just can't wait for the next chapter! Valerie and Blaine look so sweet together. We can't wait til' ya'll are home. Give the kids a special kiss from us!!!
Mike and Kathy (& Shelbi)
Hi!! I'm glad to hear you're all on the mend and things are going so well! Have a great week! Kathleen
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