We walked around Khabarovsk all day today. We got to show Blaine lots of neat things and we all had a great time! This is Todd and Blaine in front of the gold church. When we went inside, a wedding was going on. It was very interesting to watch with so many rituals and things that we didn't understand. The priest would sing and then there was a small choir that sounded so beautiful. The acoustics in that giant church were amazing. It was strange to us that others came and went, praying and lighting candles, oblivious to the wedding that was going on. The inside of the church is ornate and absolutely gorgeous.

Then we walked to the World War II Memorial. It was really something to see. This is Blaine and I on one side of it.

This is the eternal flame that burns in the center of the War Memorial. On each side are thousands and thousand of names of men from Khabarovsk Krai who were lost in the war. It is a really beautiful place. Notice the bride and groom in the picture. We saw at least 8 couples of newlyweds around town today. Apparently it is traditional to have their picture made at different places all around town on their wedding day.

Then we walked down to the beach and enjoyed some ice cream. Many of the sunbathers on the beach wore little or nothing. We got tickled that Blaine was totally oblivious to that! He'd say, "Wow! Look at that ship! Hey there's a pretty rock! Check out this shell!" But never one word about the naked women or the men in their underwear! Such sweet innocence!

We had fun climbing around on the rocks and watching some fishermen and watching the boats go by.

Then we climbed to the top of the stairs and Blaine and Todd looked across the Amur River into China through a telescope.

Oops, I thought I turned this one. Then we visited the beautiful blue church. Blaine liked the gold church the best. They are both really something to see

After all this sightseeing, we were tired and starving. We went to the Intourist Hotel and had a really nice lunch. Then Blaine saw this cool lion. Then we went to some shops and bought a few clothes for Valerie and a new T-shirt for Todd and Blaine. I wasn't very successful. I guess I'm picky but I also had a hard time finding anything my size. We still don't have luggage and don't know when we will. The 1 bag of 3 that was supposed to arrive today did not. Go figure. Ginger made me laugh today. She has a new acronym for Delta: Don't Expect Luggage To Arrive. There were a few others but that was the best! We've been joking that we are living in a nudist colony. This morning we all 3 were stuck in the apartment with our pants hanging out the window praying they would hurry and dry! Don't worry, I won't post pictures!!
When we got back from our tour, we were greeted with wonderful news from Catherine. She is now the proud mother of Peter and Elizabeth (and Alex back in CA)! We are thrilled for her. Tomorrow we get to pick up all three children and bring them here with us! I can't wait to get Valerie and really start bonding with her. Right now, we are just some fun people who come and play with her. I am so anxious for her to know we are Mama, Daddy, and Brother!
Some of you have emailed and said your comments aren't showing up on the blog. I don't know what to tell you to do differently. If you don't have a google/blogger account, just click anonymous, then type your comment and be sure to sign your name. Please keep trying because a word from home means so much to us! Thank you all for your sweet words and most of all your prayers. We are truly blessed!
It looks like ya'll are having a good time. Do we need to send you some clothes through the mail :) ? They may arrive faster than your's have through DELTA.... I am praying for all four of you. I realized as I got on-line to read your blog today that it is midnight on Thursday there....the BIG day!! Only a few more hours and Valerie will be with ya'll, hooray!!! Brooks said to tell Blaine "hi". We will see ya'll when ya'll get back, we are saving our West Texas trip for when you all get home. Give yoursleves a hug!! We love ya'll!!
Have Lena explain weddings in Russia more in depth. But basically the actual wedding takes place at the records office (you'll likely see one when you go to apply for Valerie's passport). Weddings take place Tuesday-Saturday and are an all day event. They have the ceremony at the records office (with quite a few people in attendance) then drive around town and get photos taken all over, they lay flowers on the eternal flame for respect and then they might have a church service which isn't actually official, just pretty. Then they have a huge party at a restaurant somewhere.
Send my congrats to Catherine!
I'm so excited... I can't wait to hear about you picking up Valerie and taking her with you for forever! Have you heard anything more about your luggage? I loved all the pictures. It looks like you are having a good time! I guess y'all fit right in at the beach since your swimsuits are in your luggage. KIDDING!!! I love you all! Ginger
Lovin' the DELTA acronym. Remind me never to fly Delta! : ) JK Well, today is Thursday there so I'm sure y'all are just about to wake up and start your day. Did you get any sleep last night for pure excitement? Have fun today picking up Valerie! Love and prayers ~ Melea
Ooh, forgot to say, I showed the pics on e-mail to Kayleigh and Kassidy and they were just oooing and aaahing over Blaine's little sister!!!! She's such a cutie! ~ Melea
HI! We are so excited for you guys. Congradulations and our prays are with you. My God's grace be with you guys as you are over there. When you get this you will probable have Valerie. I can just imagine the joy that you guys are feeling. May God Bless you guys.
IN CHRIST Love Debbie Chaney
I'm so excited for ya'll. We are going to have to have a BIG get together so we can meet Valerie and see the rest of you!! I can't wait!! Enjoy the rest of your time there, I hope ya'll get your luggage soon, I know I would be going crazy. I'm sure you will forget all about it though when you get Valerie in your arms for good.
Love ya'll,
Hey Sis, sounds like you guys are doing good...except for the brief (or lack of briefs) foray into nudism! Leave it to Gin to beat me to the punch on the Delta acronym. She has always been a little quicker on the draw though. I'm glad Blaine is getting to do some sightseeing. Well you guys have fun, and thanks for keeping us well-updated. Love you guys...Bryan
Well I'm behind again reading posts as usual so I'm hoping that one of your newer posts will have better news about your luggage. Sounds like you are making the most of the situation and I love the sightseeing pictures. How cool that you can look through a telescope and see China. You are not missing out on anything here except some really HOT weather!
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